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Conditions are the logical statements that define a relationship between specified fields. Conditions are an important part of various Tonkean features, including filters for data sources, formulas, and even triggers.

For example, you may want to compare one field against another, extract a string from a data source only when it contains certain words, or any number of other operations. Formulas and conditions used together provide an almost endlessly customizable way to manipulate and understand data. Below, each of these conditions is defined:

Logical Conditions

Equal To

Being of the exact same value compared to the specified value. This condition supports numbers, text, dates, and most other field types.


  • twenty-one is Equal to twenty-one

  • True is Equal to True

  • True is not Equal to true


Being of a similar value compared to the specified value. This condition generally ignores hyphens, case, and other minor differences, and generally functions like a Match condition set to Strict. This condition supports numbers, text, dates, and most other field types.


  • twenty-one is Like twenty one

  • true is Like True

For some values, the difference between the presence of certain punctuation is substantially different from the same value without that punctuation, and the Like condition takes this into account. For example, 71-3 is not Like 713 and will not evaluate to true using the Like condition.

Not Equal To

Being any value that differs from the specified value. This condition supports numbers, text, dates, and most other field types.


The value matches the specified value, depending on the level of matching. This condition is not case-sensitive.

There are two levels of matching based on the desired looseness or strictness (spelling and grammar mistakes, nicknames, acronyms). Regardless of which level of matching you choose, the Match condition always checks each phrase individually against the specified value; if one phrase matches the specified value, it is considered a match.

The level of matching largely determines how many mistakes are tolerated while still considering a particular phrase a match.

Levels of matching:

  • Loose - Relatively close to the specified value. Misspellings and other mistakes are acceptable, depending on the length of the phrase. For example, with a Loose level of matching for the value "hello", "gello" would be considered a match because it contains only one mistake, but "grllo" would not be considered a match because it represents two mistakes that comprise too large a portion of the phrase (two out of five letters). The level of variance is dependent on the length of the evaluated phrase, with each evaluation allowing approximately the same percentage of variance for each phrase.

    • 1-3 characters = no mistakes allowed

    • 4-5 characters = 1 mistake allowed

    • 6 or more characters = 2 mistakes allowed

  • Strict - Needs to match almost one-to-one to the specified value. There is a very low tolerance for variance.

    • 1-5 characters = no mistakes allowed

    • 6 or more characters = 1 mistake allowed

  • Exact - Must match exactly.

Does Not Match

The value does not match the specified value. This condition is not case-sensitive.

There are multiple levels of matching based on the desired looseness or strictness (spelling and grammar mistakes, nicknames, acronyms). See above for level definitions.

Is Empty

The value does not have any contents (is null).

Is Not Empty

The value has any content (is not null).

Date and Time Conditions

In the Past

Takes the exact date and time when the trigger runs, and, based on the value you input, calculates (subtract) whether the criteria matches or not. Possible conditional values are: days, hours, and minutes.

Example: Close-Date = 1/23/2020 Timestamp of Trigger = 1/25/2020 Condition = {} in the past 4 days Result = Trigger will run because it’s only been 2 days since the trigger ran and the date of the Close-Date

In the Next

Takes the exact date and time when the trigger runs, and, based on the value you input, calculates (add) whether the criteria matches or not. Possible conditional values are days, hours, and minutes.

Example: Close-Date = 1/27/2020 Timestamp of Trigger = 1/25/2020 Condition = {} in the next 4 days Result = Trigger will run because the Close-Date is within the next 4 days


Takes the date field you enter and determines if that date is before the specified value. The conditional value is a hard-coded date in mmm-dd-yyyy format.


Takes the date field you enter and determines if that date is after the specified value. The conditional value is a hard-coded date in mmm-dd-yyyy format.

In This

Takes the date field you enter and determines if it falls within the parameters of the selected conditions. Possible conditional values are week, month, quarter, and day.

Older Than

Takes the exact date and time when the trigger runs, and, based on the value you input, calculates whether the criteria matches or not. Possible conditional values are days, hours, and minutes.

Example: Close-Date = 1/23/2020 Timestamp of Trigger = 1/25/2020 Condition = {} older than 4 days Result = Trigger will not run because it’s only 2 days old

Further Than

Takes the exact date and time when the trigger runs, and, based on the value you input, calculates whether the criteria matches or not. Possible conditional values are days, hours, and minutes.

Example: Close-Date = 1/30/2020 Timestamp of Trigger = 1/23/2020 Condition = {} further than 4 days Result = Trigger will run because 1/30/2020 is further than 4 days away from 1/23/2020

In Past

A binary condition that takes the provided date value and determines if the specified value is in the past, based on the time the trigger runs. This condition uses the exact date and time of when the trigger runs.

In the Future

A binary condition that takes the provided date value and determines if the specified value is in the future, based on the time the trigger runs. This condition uses the exact date and time of when the trigger runs.

Numerical Conditions


Selects values within a given range. The values can be numbers, text, or dates. Note that “Between” is inclusive: beginning and end values are included.

Greater Than

When a quantity or number is bigger or larger than the second quantity or number.

Lesser Than

When a quantity or number is smaller or lesser than the second quantity or number.

Increased By

When your original value increases by an exact amount, or less than or more than a specific amount.

Decreased By

When your original value decreases by an exact amount, or less than or more than a specific amount.