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Configure Data Retention

For each entity in a data source, you can configure how long Tonkean retains data that's no longer active.

To configure data retention settings for each entity, first navigate to the Data Retention screen:

In the data source configuration panel, select Data Retention. The Retention screen displays.


Enable or Disable Collect

Turn on or off the corresponding Is Collect Enabled? toggle to enable or disable the collect for an entity:


Set Entity Data Lifespan

By default, the entity data lifespan is indefinite, meaning all inactive records continue to be stored indefinitely. For security purposes or to align with your organization's relevant policy, you can limit the lifespan of inactive entity data.

  1. Turn off the Entity Data Lifespan toggle for the entity. A Days field displays.

  2. Edit the value in the Days field.

  3. When finished, select Save.