5. Maker Course - Create a Tracking Interface
Video Walkthrough
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In the module builder toolbar, select the Interfaces button. The Interfaces panel displays.
Select Create a new interface. The Create New Interface window displays.
Give the interface a Name (for example, "Request Details") and Description, then select Create. The new interface is created.
In the right panel, select the Fields widget. The widget is added to the interface.
In the widget configuration panel, rename the Title to "Request Details", and update the icon, if desired.
Turn off the Allow contributors to edit values toggle.
Scroll down to the widget Input section and select the Fields dropdown, then add the following fields:
Submitting User
Plushy Type
Required by Date
Is Gift?
Gift Message
Turn on the Enable Display Conditions toggle. A new conditions group displays.
Configure the conditions group to display the widget when Is Gift? is Equal to "Yes".
Scroll to the top of the widget configuration panel and select the Duplicate button. A copy of the widget is added to the interface.
Remove "(duplicated)" from the new widget Title.
In the Enable Display Conditions condition group, update Equal to to Not equal to. The condition group should now be configured to display when Is Gift? is Not equal to "Yes".
Scroll down to the Fields section and deselect the Gift Message field.
Select Close in the upper right to close the interface builder screen. The module builder screen displays.
In the module builder, select the Intake Submitted action block. The Intake sequence step configuration panel displays.
In the configuration panel, scroll down to the Web redirect options section and turn on the Redirect toggle. Web redirect options display.
Set the Redirect target to Interface.
Select the Select interface dropdown and choose the Request Details interface.
Turn off the Redirect should open in new tab toggle.
Select the Open Interface button,
, to open and test the intake sequence.
Fill in the interface fields with relevant information and select Finish. The interface is submitted and redirects you to the tracking interface created in earlier steps.
You've created a tracking interface with conditional logic, and have configured the intake sequence to redirect users to that tracking interface upon submission. Next, we'll learn about matched entities and how to leverage data from external data sources.